
Greetings and welcome ~

This blog will provide resources to support the work being done at Somatic Wisdom and the Ethereal Soul, a somatic education channel on YouTube that began in 2023. We discuss a variety of somatic / body based tools, resources and lenses through which we can view, transform and heal our bodies. Everything from energy practices such as Reiki to Structural Integration, a bodywork technique used to reorganize the fascia in our body. We will look at Yoga, Art Therapy, Dance and Movement Therapy, Chanting, Somatic Experiencing, Body-mind connections, Brain – Body functions and systems, and so much more! There will be science and research yes, but we are also interested in anecdotal experience and will have guest speakers – folks who are actually using somatic techniques with clients and in their own lives. We are very excited to bring this information to you as a means of supporting your journey of embodiment!

This blog also explores the brain-body experience and how somatic messages hold deep psychic wisdom in the very tissues of our body. I may touch upon the microcosm of the self as it might relate to the socially challenged times in which we live. There may be science and research, there may be pure conjecture and emotive remarks.

There will be personal narrative, for the empirical perspective is very, very important when talking about how to transform the detritus of our traumatic childhood experiences. Science and research are great, but they aren’t everything there is to know about a thing, experience, person, place.

And of course there is an extensive amount of self-promotion from professional counselors, clinicians, researchers, scientists, life coaches and other professionals who helped researchers along the way. These can often be the only voices we hear which is why our goal is to create a space for those of us actually walking the path toward and of embodiment.

I may include information regarding the method I have personally used for the last 7 years: SiMA – Somatic inquiry through Movement and Art – the combination of developmental movement practices and artistic expression). I may also refer to my book ~ Chasing Shade: Living with Development Trauma, which can be found on Balboa Press.

I hope you will find my blog useful for yourself or someone close to you as a means of understanding a condition unrecognized by the DSM-5. It may provide insight for your own experience with what may be Developmental Trauma Disorder. May you find peace that comes from seeing that you are not alone. May you find tools and resources here as you travel your own road and vision.